Home Visitors

What does this report represent?

This report represents enrollment and profile data entered into DAISEY for WIHV organizations that may be missing or inaccurate. Use the lists of profiles provided and / or underlying data to determine which records need to be corrected. Instructions for accessing underlying client level data and downloading PDF versions of reports are available in the DAISEY Technical Assistance Brief – Using Reports for QA.


Use the following filters to limit the data to review:

Start Date & End Date, Grantee, Organization, Enrollment Type, Home Visiting Model, County, and Home Visitor.

Regarding the date filters: The report will display only actively enrolled clients within the selected start and end date, as determined by the enrollment and discharge dates on their profile form.



Form: Caregiver Profile

Questions considered: Home Visitor Name

Who is counted: The number of caregiver profiles listing a home visitor, by the home visitor’s name, as well as the count of caregiver profiles missing a home visitor name.


  • The list on the right will default to listing the name and DAISEY ID of all caregiver profiles you have access to in DAISEY.
  • If a particular home visitor is selected from the list on the left, the list on the right will update to display caregivers who have listed that home visitor on their profile.

Program Guidance:

  • Our goal is to have 0% of caregiver profiles missing home visitor name. Review and enter any missing data into the appropriate DAISEY profiles.
  • Please ensure each home visitor’s name is spelled the same on all of her/his clients’ records.