Caregiver Demographics (2 of 2)

What does this report represent?

This report represents enrollment and demographics data entered into DAISEY for WIHV organizations. Some graphs may have Unknown or Missing data. Review underlying data to determine which records need to be corrected. Instructions for accessing underlying client level data and downloading PDF versions of reports are available in the DAISEY Technical Assistance Brief – Using Reports for QA.


Use the following filters to determine the data to review:

Start Date & End Date, Grantee, Organization, Enrollment Type, Home Visiting Model, and County.

Regarding the date filters: The report will display only actively enrolled clients within the selected start and end date, as determined by the enrollment and discharge dates on their profile form.



Form: Caregiver Demographics Form

Questions considered: Date of Activity, Current Employment Status

Who is counted: All Caregivers who are actively enrolled with a Date of Activity on or before the end of the date range selected.


  • If no current employment status is indicated on the most recent Caregiver Demographic Form, their employment status will appear as “Missing Employment Status.”
  • If a Caregiver Demographic Form has not been entered in DAISEY, the client will not appear in this portion of the report. To ensure your counts are accurate, please be sure Caregiver Demographic Forms are completed with all enrolled caregivers.
  • Only Caregivers with an enrollment date are represented in this report. To ensure your count of Caregivers is accurate, please be sure the enrollment date is recorded for all Caregivers’ first or subsequent enrollments.




Form: Caregiver Demographics Form

Questions considered: Date of Activity, Household Income

Who is counted: All Primary Caregivers who are actively enrolled with a Date of Activity on or before the end of the date range selected.


  • Median Income represents the median income of all primary caregivers displayed in the report, and will vary depending on what data you have access to, as well as any filters you apply to the report.
  • If no household income (dollar amount or frequency) is indicated on the most recent Caregiver Demographic Form, the client’s household income will appear as “Missing Income Information.”
  • If a Caregiver Demographic Form has not been entered in DAISEY, the client will not appear in this portion of the report. To ensure your counts are accurate, please be sure Caregiver Demographic Forms are completed with all enrolled caregivers.
  • Only Caregivers with an enrollment date are represented in this report. To ensure your count of Caregivers is accurate, please be sure the enrollment date is recorded for all Caregivers’ first or subsequent enrollments.




Form: Caregiver Demographics Form

Questions considered: Date of Activity, Do you have health insurance or Medicaid?

Who is counted: All Caregivers who are actively enrolled with a Date of Activity on or before the end of the date range selected.


  • If no insurance status is indicated on the most recent Caregiver Demographic Form, their health insurance status will appear as “Missing Insurance Status.”
  • If a Caregiver Demographic Form has not been entered in DAISEY, the client will not appear in this portion of the report. To ensure your counts are accurate, please be sure Caregiver Demographic Forms are completed with all enrolled caregivers.
  • Only Caregivers with an enrollment date are represented in this report. To ensure your count of Caregivers is accurate, please be sure the enrollment date is recorded for all Caregivers’ first or subsequent enrollments.




Form: Caregiver Demographics Form

Questions considered: Date of Activity, Current Housing Status

Who is counted: All Caregivers who are actively enrolled with a Date of Activity on or before the end of the date range selected.


  • If no housing status is indicated on the most recent Caregiver Demographic Form, their housing status will appear as “Missing Housing Status.”
  • If a Caregiver Demographic Form has not been entered in DAISEY, the client will not appear in this portion of the report. To ensure your counts are accurate, please be sure Caregiver Demographic Forms are completed with all enrolled caregivers.
  • Only Caregivers with an enrollment date are represented in this report. To ensure your count of Caregivers is accurate, please be sure the enrollment date is recorded for all Caregivers’ first or subsequent enrollments.